A resource that handle information about the patient in the LinkWatch API,
which is needed to store observation or other data that belongs to a specific patient.
The service expose access to update or get information about a patient.
In order to create a patient, this is done with an health professional account.
Update the information for the specific patient
POST: {baseurl}/api/v1/patient/update
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Token: 09FDA49F-1D96-4A8E-9F99-FD7A4DED103C
Content-Type: application/json
Retrieve the information for the specific patient.
GET: {baseurl}/api/v1/patient
Accept: application/json
Token: 09FDA49F-1D96-4A8E-9F99-FD7A4DED103C
Content-Type: application/json
Retrieve the height for the specific patient.
POST: {baseurl}/api/v1/authentication/logout
Accept: application/json
Token: 09FDA49F-1D96-4A8E-9F99-FD7A4DED103C
Content-Type: application/json
Retrieve the calculated age for the specific patient based on date of birth.
POST: {baseurl}/api/v1/authentication/logout
Accept: application/json
Token: 09FDA49F-1D96-4A8E-9F99-FD7A4DED103C
Content-Type: application/json
Sub part of the patient resource. Makes it possible to create, update or get information about a device for a patient.
The patient needs to have the manual device flag set to true in order to allow this.
The device information is needed to be able to receive data from services that don’t require the user to login first.
The device equipment identifier will be used to identify from whom the received that belongs to.
Creates a new device and allocates it to a patient. The patient needs to have the manual device flag enable in ordet to be allowed to do this.
Requires a valid access token present for the correct patient.
The patient is identified from the Token header, this will also be used to set the device to correct patient.
POST: {baseurl}/api/v1/patient/device/create
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Token: 09FDA49F-1D96-4A8E-9F99-FD7A4DED103C
Content-Type: application/json
Updates the information about the device. The patient needs to have the manual device flag enable in ordet to be allowed to do this.
The patient is identified from the Token header, this will also be used to control that device is allocated to that patient.
POST: {baseurl}/api/v1/patient/device/update
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Token: 09FDA49F-1D96-4A8E-9F99-FD7A4DED103C
Content-Type: application/json
Retrieve the information of the device, can be filtered through the query parameters.
The patient is identified from the Token header
GET: api/v1/patient/devices?DeviceTypeId=528399&Id=00091FFFFE801289&Status=Allocated
Accept: application/json
Token: 09FDA49F-1D96-4A8E-9F99-FD7A4DED103C
Content-Type: application/json