An observation corresponds to all measurement taken with one single device. E.g. blood pressure device measures systolic, diastolic and pulse rate, while a blood glucose device only measure the glucose level. Parameters marked with optional in the API documentation, can be ignored and left out from the queries.
Mehtods call to post observation in to the LinkWatch API.
Post a single or a collection of observations.
Post of a blood pressure observation.
POST: {baseurl}/api/v1/observation
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Token: 09FDA49F-1D96-4A8E-9F99-FD7A4DED103C
Content-Type: application/json
Post a HL7 formated ORUR01 message as an observation, following IHE-PCD01 standard.
Post of an HL7 formated ORUR01 message for a blood pressure observavtion.
POST: {baseurl}/api/v1/observation/CommunicatePCDData
Accept: text/plain
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Type: text/plain
Mehtods call to get observations in to the LinkWatch API.
Return a collection of observations between two timestamps.
Retrieve observations of blood pressure ove between two timestamps.
GET: {baseurl}/api/v1/observation/value/528391/between?StartTime=2017-05-03&EndTime=2017-05-03&Order=desc&Offset=true
Accept: application/json
Token: 09FDA49F-1D96-4A8E-9F99-FD7A4DED103C
Content-Type: application/json
Returns a collection of observations based on a period (transforms to start/end time). Operation can be used to aggregate the observation over a defined group, (e.g. average grouped by days). Period
Retrieve an aggregated average for blood pressure with the period of one day and grouped per day.
GET: {baseurl}/api/v1/observation/avg/528391/period?Value=1&Type=Day&GroupedBy=Day
Accept: application/json
Token: 09FDA49F-1D96-4A8E-9F99-FD7A4DED103C
Content-Type: application/json
Returns the latest observation for each device type. Overview